Friday, January 31, 2025

Just Stopping In

Things are still moving along.  My birthday was yesterday which meant not totally in control and rather followed through today; but I'm not giving up!  Have the weekend to recover.

I didn't get many of my commitments in today that I normally do...oh I've still got time to do it but I just feel like it's a bad day.  I have discovered one thing though - I don't really need the workbook.  I'm tracking on Healthi (though I am considering paying for the WW app again, just app though-no  meetings); so I have no need to rewrite my meals and walks down.  I have a list of my commitments; so I have no need to rewrite them over each week and check off.  I can easily look at my list and then go to the Kickstart Dashboard and check off the ones I did. Don't get me wrong - the workbook is a nice tool to have; I just don't feel like I really need it.

Anyway, just wanted to stop in and give an update!

Monday, January 27, 2025

A Funny Tale....

 The funniest thing happened yesterday morning:

Dogs are still sleeping which means I'm getting to sleep in later than normal. HOWEVER, our cat Rooker wants to eat, so twice he walks up the side of the bed and sticks his butt in my face. I ignore him. So then he decides to start messing with things on the stand next to the bed. I swat him away. The next thing I know, there's a light on in the bedroom (it's still dark out). It's obviously not the overhead light, it's not the light on the stand and it's not my phone. I glance at the tv-nope, it didn't just come on. So I sit up (which, of course, wakes both dogs) and there is Rooker sitting on the Shapa scale (it lights up when you step on it). So I had to get up. After walks and feeding everyone, I'm telling hubby about it. His response? "I wonder what color he was."


I also made this for breakfast this week:

It's Banana Oat Bake from Jean Luc & Nick's website. I hope it tastes as good as it smells!

And today's weight.......... down another 2.5 lbs!

Sunday, January 26, 2025

The End of Kickstart Week 2

 My second week on Kickstart is coming to an end.  I won't know of any weight loss until tomorrow morning.  The Shapa scale (I get on that every morning) has me in Teal, which is losing mode.  One morning I was in Blue, which is the best color to be although I'm still not sure what the difference between Blue & Teal is - but as long as I'm in losing mode, I'm happy.

I haven't been perfect and yet the scale is moving.  The water and walking has become so much easier now as well as better choices and portions at meals.

I've often started with the Healthi app and then go back to the WW one.  My WW membership has expired and I've really learned my way around the Healthi app.  I know many WW members get frustrated with Healthi and go back to paying WW; but I think that that is because they are expecting the Healthi app to act like the WW one and it doesn't.  It's a learning curve.

As I mentioned back on another post; I do the Better Balance plan on Healthi and adjust it to be more like the current WW plan.  So basically I have to zero out the potatoes, oatmeal and lean meats.  I have the same amount of daily points that I had on WW and other than the point calculation being different then the one WW currently seems to be working well.  I am a person that does watch portion sizes though; you really do have to do that whether you're doing Healthi or WW.

Wednesday, January 22, 2025

A Good Start With Kickstart

My first week with Kickstart and I ended 3.9 lbs down!  How Great Is That!!!!!

Yesterday my Shapa scale put me in Teal....which means I'm losing weight.  Obviously since I did lose weight.

When I have a great week, it does keep me on track.

My knee is killing me today so I won't get my walk in.  We've been moving offices and such around and there's heavy lifting involved with that.  Yes, maintenance takes care of the big items, but we handle the smaller ones including the computers (we just don't have time to wait on the IT Dept.).

Anyway back in 2009 we moved into this office area.  I was assigned a small office.  Actually they were all small but one (the design team definitely didn't think it through); anyway I was the only one that got an L-shaped desk; everyone else was able to get desk with the corner unit.  At some point I was moved back into the file room.  Now I'm back in my original office. The desk in the file room has the corner unit, I was told it couldn't go into the office.  Fine, but I do need work space and I now have a second monitor.  However, our newest maintenance person decided to start with the corner unit and then pull parts from some unused desks -   KA-CHING, Guess What?  You actually can get a corner unit in that office with 4 ft extensions on each side!! 

So tomorrow we"ll be the moving of the computer and such........I'm so tired......

Friday, January 17, 2025

A Bad Evening, But Not A Step Back

I had a bad evening.....

I went to the movies last night and CC wanted to eat dinner there.  There are no good food options there and though she would of ate elsewhere if I'd of asked; we just didn't have the time for that and would be eating during the movie.  I opted for their grilled cheese with tomato soup dipping with potato chips.  I figured since there was nothing healthy...get what you want.  I also had popcorn

The movie was last minute I didn't get my walk in; I didn't get to read a chapter of a book.  Three failed commitments:  Better dinner choices, walk, read.


I got up this morning feeling rather blah and guilty.  How could I not?  The Shapa scale still has me in the "green" but it's rather early in that process for it to show anything else.  The regular scale was staring at me.  I had promised myself (not a commitment, a promise) that I'd weigh in only on Mondays.  I mean how could I ever be thinking to weigh now after a bad eating night?  Absolutely anytime I weigh after a movie night, I've gained.  Oh, it works its way out in a day or two; but there's always that gain.

But....I got on the scale anyway and I couldn't believe it - a small loss from my start date!  Even with movie food gain, I had a lossHow exciting is that!

So now I'm determined to do well for the weekend so my official weigh-in will be great!

And thus this made me think of this:

Wednesday, January 15, 2025

Tomorrow's Lunch

 This is my 6 bite lunch for tomorrow:  chicken (0), wheat thins (2), cheese stick (3), sugar free mandarin oranges (0), dill pickle (0), green olives (6), carrot sticks (0) and a hard boiled egg (0).  The oranges I'll drain and rinse, so they are 0.

I almost didn't do my walk this evening; but I got it done.  Some days, after work....I just can't but I have to make myself do it!

Tuesday, January 14, 2025

Kickstart Day 2

 Day 2 is complete and I feel really good with how I'm doing.  Yes, I realize it is only day 2; but as you know, I sometimes fail very fast.

Breakfast, snack and lunch were pretty much the same as yesterday.  Hubby and I went out to dinner at the local diner.  I had an open faced hot turkey sandwich with mashed potatoes, gravy and broccoli.  I only ate half of it - YAY ME!  

I'm still ending the day with leftover bites!

Got my 1 mile walk in.  It's so cold out that I'm relying heavily on my walking pad.  I think I walked outside twice this month and that was once over the weekend and yesterday before lunch...then the cold weather came back!  So though the walking pad didn't get the use last year that I expected, it is certainly getting it this year!

We'll be moving offices all over the place this week.  We have a new person starting next Tuesday.  They'll be the front reception.  My office sharing buddy is moving over into the larger office left vacant by our recent retiree.  Then.......the big moves happen.  K is going back the hallway into the vacant office that's been vacant for a while.  She's the administrative assistant and this puts her back with the bosses.  After that, everything in the copier room (copier, mailboxes, shredder) get moved in her old office.  That office is the only one without a window to the outside or the hallway - it's a dark it is now the copier room.  Then I'll move into the old copier room, which was my original office!  Maintenance will be busy this week!  Though my office is a little small, I'll get it to work.  The place C and I are currently in is actually the file room and sort of a storage room and they kind of just plopped desks in there!  It will be nice to get out of there!

And that is today's update.  I can't guarantee one every day; but I'll be here more frequently than usual. 

Monday, January 13, 2025

First Day on Kickstart

My first day on Kickstart is complete and as always I start out very very well!

I completed all my commitments and my menus for the day:

So I'm very happy with all of that!  I'm well within my calories and points with quite a few left over.  I may have a sugar free pudding cup topped with fat free whipped cream later.

Though I have been doing my walks since January 1st (I've missed one day but will eventually make up that mile); I hadn't earned any bites for it until today.  I had forgotten that the first 3,000 steps don't count on Healthi as they see them as your normal everyday steps.  I was only wearing my fitbit when I was walking; so Healthi viewed it as my normal everyday steps.  Today I wore it the whole day - and now I've earned some bites!  I had most of my water in by lunch time.


Off for some relaxation and planning for tomorrow!


Sunday, January 12, 2025

Prepping Breakfast

 I decided to prep breakfast for the week and chose Two Point Cinnamon Muffins.

I've made these before and actually enjoy them.  If you choose to make them, I must let you know that they are not sweet.  They are more like a bread.  You can pair them with spray butter, sugar free jam/jelly, peanut butter or sugar free syrup.  

I got blueberries at a cheap price last week and decided to add that to the recipe:

I put the mix into the wells (1/4 cup per well) and then pushed 4 blueberries into each.  Yes, you may use a regular cupcake pan or you can pour the whole mix into a 9 x 13 pan and then cut it into 12 pieces.  I'll eat this along with a banana.  I'll probably heat it up and then use spray butter.  They are 2 bites each; and I'll have two each morning for a 4 bite breakfast.

And breakfast is complete for the week other than buying some bananas.

Hubby and I went to the Bonanza Steakhouse last night for dinner and I got their pork chop dinner.  You get THREE rather nice size pork chop loins with the dinner.  I ate one and the other two will become lunch for Monday & Tuesday.  I'll probably make a baked potato (topped with spray butter) to go with it.  That gives me a 0 bite lunch those days.

The other days?  Well if I don't have leftovers from my unplanned, as of yet, dinners; I do have individually wrapped chicken breasts in the freezer.

And in the amount of time it took me to write this post?  The muffins are done:

***I'm trying to get into the habit of using the word bite(s) instead of point(s) as the Healthi app calls their units "bites". It's a learning curve for sure!***

Saturday, January 11, 2025

My 10 Kickstart Commitments

 I did end up purchasing the Kickstart Workbook. The book is very well done. My 10 Commitments:

Some are repeats from last time and some are adjustments from last time, only the Shapa scale is new.

Ahhh..the Shapa scale. I purchased this a few years ago. Shapa is a scale that doesn't give you numbers but rather gives a color. The colors represent how well you're doing. When I got it, I got a year subscription with it. I really didn't use it, and canceled once the year was up.  When Jean-Luc & Nick mentioned theirs a week back, I dug mine out from under the dresser, covered in dust. I cleaned it up, replaced the batteries and signed up for a subscription.  So Shapa became my 10th commitment. 

Shapa Scale

Wait...You're Doing What With Healthi???

 A post or two back I mentioned I was giving the Healthi app another try using the Better Balance plan (old Freestyle/Blue).  I also mentioned that I was adding the new items that WW has added to the zero point list on their plan (potatoes, lean meats, oatmeal).  Why?

I was very excited with the additions to the zero list without losing any daily points!

On the current WW plan my daily points are 23.  On Better Balance my daily points are 23 (as they were with Freestyle/Blue).  The only difference I can see is that Better Balance uses the smart points equation to calculate points where the new WW plan uses a different one; and I really don't think that there is a huge difference in the point calculation to make it a big deal.

But don't potatoes, lean meats and oatmeal show up pointed in the Healthi app?

Yes they do.  You have two choices here: you can just add the items as a quick add at zero points OR you can toggle them zero.  Toggle?

Round Steak is on the zero list at WW.  So on the Healthi app, let's search for Round Steak:

Above is a list of results.  It's irrelevant which one I choose as I'm going to make it a zero point food.  So let's click the first one:

Now I'm going to scroll down the entry where I will see macros, nutritional information:

At the bottom of the nutritional information is a toggle button with 0 BITES Food next to it. I'm going to slide that button over to the right.

As you can see, the slide area turns blue changing the food to a 0 bites entry.

If you scroll back up - you'll see 0 Bites for the item.  Go ahead and track it!

It appears as zero under dinner on the tracker!

Now, let's say a few days later; I'm having round steak again.  So I search for it:

The very first entry says 0 BITES!!!  It saved that for me!

So how do I know what to zero out and what not to?  My WW membership is good until the end of the month.  I went to the WW website and downloaded the Program Brochure.  It gives a complete list of zero point foods on pages 18 & 19.

Just a little trick you may find helpful.

Friday, January 10, 2025

Healthi App

 I'd thought I'd spend a post discussing the Healthi App.

Healthi was formally itrackbites.

Healthi is an app that offers older Weight Watchers plans.  They do not offer the current plan.  They do not use the term "points"; instead they are called "bites".

I've heard some people say that the points are off from the calculations in WW.  Let me repeat to you... Healthi does not offer the current WW plan.

A lot of people prefer the older plans.  

The plans offered through Healthi are:

Conquer Cravings.  This is the closest you'll get to the original points plan offered by WW.  There were different versions of this program and this particular plan in Healthi follows the last version, where everyone had 35 weeklies (instead of banking points or such).  If you need to learn portion control, this is a good program to get started with.

Carb Conscious.  This particular one is a favorite of many.  It mimics the Points Plus program.  It is not a low carb plan despite its name.  It's just the first time that WW looked at the carb count of a food item in it's calculation.  

Sugar Smart.  Sugar Smart is the original smart points plan and was referred to as the Green plan as well.  If you have an issue with sweets, this is the plan for you.  It also encourages protein.  

Better Balance.  This one is the Freestyle, later called the Blue plan.  This is one of the plans where offering a zero point food list came into play.  It's the closest you will get to the current WW plan - HOWEVER, how foods are calculated is different - which is why people complain that the calculations are off...again, this is an older plan - not the current one!

Calorie Command.  Pretty self explanatory - this is counting calories - no bites/points.

Keeping Keto.  This is a Keto plan.  I know very little about Keto plans.

FYI:  Better Balance and Keto are only available with the Pro version of the plan.  To see the differences between the Free version and the Pro version:  Plan Differences.  Trust me, the Pro version is worth it!!  Don't join pro right away; as you're learning the app, they will offer you deals.  Also look for codes from their coaches.  

With the Pro version you can also track a secondary measurement with your bite plan:  calories, macros or both.  This is helpful to some, but I find too many numbers just throws me off!

If you're disgruntled with WW...Healthi is the place to go!!

Wednesday, January 8, 2025

A Helpful Tip and Then.....

 If you need some help navigating the WW app.  Dish With Dee has a nice tutorial up on YouTube:  Dish With Dee WW App Tutorial.  Knowing how to navigate is helpful.

Now the "then".

As you are aware I'm part of Jean Luc & Nick's KICKSTART support group (and just to mention's FREE and begins January 13th...still time to sign up); anyway Jean Luc & Nick had just recently rejoined Weight Watchers.

In case you are unaware, Jean Luc & Nick use to be WW Ambassadors - they even appeared in a WW Commercial.  They were known as the WW Gays and were an inspiration to many people.  Then something happened.... they moved on passed WW and never really gave their story.

But, as I said they recently rejoined willing to let bygones be bygones and move forward.  Apparently, though... WW hasn't moved on.

You can follow their FB Page:  Jean Luc & Nick FB to get the whole story.  I'm not going into it here, as it is their story to tell.

My WW membership expires on the 25th.  I was just going to let it expire then rejoin under a new promotion for the app only. I've been very excited about this new plan.  But the fact of handing WW more money when they do members rather dirty....doesn't fit well with me.

I think I'll spend a week or 2 navigating the Healthi App again.  It doesn't have the new plan though; so I'm thinking of doing their Better Balance plan (the old Freestyle/Blue plan) and just quick add the additional zeros that WW has on their plan.  So in other words; Better Balance doesn't have oatmeal, potatoes, lean meats on their plan.  So when I eat those I'll just quick add them as zero.  How points are calculated is different, but I can't imagine it will be that big of a deal.  I'll just go to the WW site and print off that zero list!!

If that doesn't work for me; I'll relook at WW.

Saturday, January 4, 2025

Some Helpful Tips

If you're mad that WW didn't provide calories as part of the macros; there is a way to get the total calories for the day at this site:  Macros to Calories Calculator   Basically you times your total protein by 4; your total carbs by 4 and your total fat by 9.  Add the totals together and you have your calories for the day!

If you're unfamiliar with the app; check out YouTube, there are many influencers showing how to use the app, how to find things on the app, etc...  Just make sure you're searching for the 2025 app.

I see a lot of members asking for a printable zero point list.  Go to the Weight Watchers website and log in. Choose the Program Guide, then choose to download as a PDF and print out pages 18 & 19 - it's a more extensive list.  Or print out the whole guide - some helpful hints in there.

Please remember that WW is not a low carb program.  I see way too many people asking why certain items (potatoes for example) are zero points due to carbs (I actually saw one ask why they are zero due to carbs and we were always told to avoid them!!???).  A plain potato (depending on size) was only 3-5 pts to begin with, and I don't know about you but I usually only eat one; it's not something I overeat.  French fries? Yeah, but I know they aren't healthy and that a baked potato is a healthier choice!  And for the record - WW has never said to avoid potatoes -NEVER EVER.  You certainly can do low carb along with WW; but why would you do both?  If you have too many numbers to track - you'll lose your momento fast!

Why should you be paying for WW and others shouldn't?  This is a question you should ask yourself.  I see way too many asking the point value of things, is such-such a zero food, how can I figure out my points...... and actual paying members give the info away for free!! And then try to justify it by saying "Well maybe that person can't afford it."  Maybe not; but are you saying those people should be allowed to have anything from a store for free because they can't afford it?  Cause it pretty much is the same thing.  Giving the information away for free is a huge injustice to WW members.  Direct these people to the free version of the Healthi app and the FB pages to help with it - yes, I realize they don't have the current plan; but all those other plans still work.  Direct them to free calorie counting apps-they work. But don't give the information out for free.  

And let's face it.....the WW app isn't that expensive - there are always promotions going on that make it $10-$11 a month for a certain time period.  That price is for the app only and doesn't include in-person or virtual meetings.  The meetings one seems to be running for about $22 a month right now - which is half of the normal price. The people asking for the info for free are not the people who can't afford it - it is just people wanting the information for free - give up a Dunkin or Starbucks once or twice a month and you'll have the money for the app; 4 coffees in a month? got the meeting plan!!  You can join WW here:  JOIN WW HERE

Don't forget KICKSTART starts January 13th and it's FREE - sign up today! 

Wednesday, January 1, 2025

New Year, New Me

 So a new year is beginning and I'm hoping for the best!

Kickstart begins January 13th, so you still have time to sign up and get ready.  This is FREE, so there's no reason you can't at least give it a try.  The only cost would be if you choose to purchase their workbook to go with it; but you don't have to, a plain old notebook will work!

I don't have all ten of my Kickstart items yet; I do have 9 of them.  Most of mine are weight loss related but they don't have to be.  Just little steps to help you achieve whatever goal you may have.

I'm also moving forward with the new Weight Watcher program.  I know that the zero list can be scary; but I'm old WWers - I weigh and measure.  I'm sort of starting today with it; but officially it will be when Kickstart starts, however, it never hurts to start making some changes now.

I always start a walking challenge in January and it normally is 31 miles in 31 days - one mile a day for 31 days.  I'm going to do that starting today.  It's a little windy today, so I may have to use the walking pad.  You know? What I bought last year and then got hung up into too much tragedy to do anything with?  Yep, I'll be using that!

I hope your year is starting off great!

Happy New Year!