Friday, January 31, 2025

Just Stopping In

Things are still moving along.  My birthday was yesterday which meant not totally in control and rather followed through today; but I'm not giving up!  Have the weekend to recover.

I didn't get many of my commitments in today that I normally do...oh I've still got time to do it but I just feel like it's a bad day.  I have discovered one thing though - I don't really need the workbook.  I'm tracking on Healthi (though I am considering paying for the WW app again, just app though-no  meetings); so I have no need to rewrite my meals and walks down.  I have a list of my commitments; so I have no need to rewrite them over each week and check off.  I can easily look at my list and then go to the Kickstart Dashboard and check off the ones I did. Don't get me wrong - the workbook is a nice tool to have; I just don't feel like I really need it.

Anyway, just wanted to stop in and give an update!

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