Sunday, January 26, 2025

The End of Kickstart Week 2

 My second week on Kickstart is coming to an end.  I won't know of any weight loss until tomorrow morning.  The Shapa scale (I get on that every morning) has me in Teal, which is losing mode.  One morning I was in Blue, which is the best color to be although I'm still not sure what the difference between Blue & Teal is - but as long as I'm in losing mode, I'm happy.

I haven't been perfect and yet the scale is moving.  The water and walking has become so much easier now as well as better choices and portions at meals.

I've often started with the Healthi app and then go back to the WW one.  My WW membership has expired and I've really learned my way around the Healthi app.  I know many WW members get frustrated with Healthi and go back to paying WW; but I think that that is because they are expecting the Healthi app to act like the WW one and it doesn't.  It's a learning curve.

As I mentioned back on another post; I do the Better Balance plan on Healthi and adjust it to be more like the current WW plan.  So basically I have to zero out the potatoes, oatmeal and lean meats.  I have the same amount of daily points that I had on WW and other than the point calculation being different then the one WW currently seems to be working well.  I am a person that does watch portion sizes though; you really do have to do that whether you're doing Healthi or WW.

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