Wednesday, March 5, 2025

Calories Finally!!

 This afternoon the calories finally appeared in my Weight Watchers app.  No update, it was just all of a sudden there!  So it is coming out; if you don't have it yet keep looking on the app down where the macros are listed (protein, carbs, etc) when you see the plus ( + ) sign, click it and you can add calories.  That area will let you add or delete what you want.  I kept calories and protein and deleted the others (they aren't deleted forever, you can always add them back).

So we'll see how it goes.  I'm resetting my start day to Fridays again.  I just always like having those weeklies for the weekend!

I am still using my Shapa scale and it has me maintaining in the green!

Saturday, March 1, 2025

Where Are Those Calories!!!

I still don't have the calorie option on my WW app.  I've gotten several updates and none have brought me the only update I want!

It infuriates me!  I have never understood why, if I'm part of the beta group, I don't ever get any of the "new" things to test before everyone else?!  What's the point of beta? And, before you ask, yes I have left beta and downloaded the regular app only to still be met with no calorie option.

I do not understand how the app store can provide the update to some members and not others.  I don't understand! Now it seems that the update may not be out to all until mid-March.  Yes, I know, that's only another week or two.

I only rejoined WW because of this update.  When I used Healthi, that information was available, and it made a big difference in my weight journey.

A few posts back my Shapa scale had me in dark gray - the worst place to be.  Over the last week or so; it got me to light gray, green, teal and blue.  Today I'm in green, which is basically maintaining.  I can live with that!

Friday, February 28, 2025

Kickstart Ends and An Update!

The last post I made was actually the last day of Kickstart - I hadn't even realized it!  Put I did have 100% participation - it is never necessary to get all commitments in everyday; you just track what you did daily.

The next Kickstart starts April 28, 2025.  Come join us ***HERE***   Again, it is totally FREE and you do not need to purchase the Kickstart booklet if you don't want to; any journal or plain notebook will do!  I discovered that though I did start out with the booklet, over the weeks I stopped using it entirely.  I have an app to track my meals (WW) so it just seemed like work to write it all down; the app also tracks my weight and I took a photo of my commitments so it wasn't necessary to write them down for each upcoming week.  You may find the booklet useful (many do) but I think I'll just use **This One** next time around.

CC's mother passed this week unexpectedly.  She was in the hospital and had been in rehab prior to that, but we weren't expecting her to die!  A friend had visited her the night before and she was mad that they didn't bring her onion rings.  The next day, the hospital called CC and told her they felt she should come in because her Mom was not well.  She died that evening.  I hope 2024 isn't continuing into 2025!

Sunday, February 23, 2025


 I'm finally beginning to feel better - just in time to get back to work tomorrow!

I did relose the weight I had gained back and Shapa has me back in the Teal zone again!  Since my appetite is returning, I'm sure I'll have a slight gain again before I'm back in weight loss mode.

I still don't have the calories on my WW app yet.  I read somewhere that we should all have it by the end of February.  

I am still doing Kickstart though I haven't got all my commitments in each day.  The only thing I'm doing regularly is Kickstart, Shapa and tracking.  I guess 3 out of 10 isn't too bad.

Heading to the movies this afternoon, I need my popcorn!

Wednesday, February 19, 2025

Sickness and Something Funny

 I've been sick with a horrible viral head cold since Saturday and haven't been working.  I went to the doctor's today and they put me off work until Monday.  Feeling a little better but get tired very quickly.

When I got home from the doctor's, I grabbed the mail from the mailbox on my way into the house.  I notice a 8 x 10 envelope hand addressed to me with no return address and the stamp indicated it was mailed from overseas.

I began thinking if I had ordered anything; but couldn't remember and then questioned if I should even open it as it was flat and didn't feel like it had anything in it. But I opened it...

...and, out came two photographs of the actor Stellan Skargard autographed to me!!

I almost choked laughing....

Back in 2008, after the movie Mamma Mia came out; I became a fan of Stellan Skarsgard and found a small online group of women similar in age who were also fans.  Stellan didn't seem to have a website, fanclub or anything at that time and the one lady told each of us to send a photo or two of Stellan to her with our addresses on the back and she was going to mail them all in together to his management company hoping for autographs.  I sent my two, never heard anything, and lost contact with those ladies some time ago.

You caught that date, right?  2008 - SEVENTEEN YEARS AGO!  And my autographed photos arrived today!!!! 😂😂😂

It's not like they've been lost in the mail, it was postmarked February 11, 2025.  He's one busy man!

Saturday, February 15, 2025

Quick Update

 I've been off track for about 2 weeks; have gained back my lost weight and the Shapa is still in the gray - I even had 2 days in dark gray which is the worst you can ever have!

Turning around and moving forward....

Using baby steps; instead of diving in all at once and failing again...I'm taking it a little at a time but making healthier choices along with it.  It's the only way for me to keep moving forwarded.

Sunday, February 9, 2025

Let's Talk Restaurant Points

 I see a lot of people ask about how to calculate points for restaurants not in the WW database.

This is one of those things where people tend to make things more difficult then they are.

There are several ways to do this:

The most obvious (and most suggested) is to use the camera option on the WW app.  In case you didn't know, you can take a photo of your meal and the app will translate it to points. Now, let's be honest, this isn't perfect and if I were you, I'd double check what it lists to make sure it is what is on your plate!  I, for one, wouldn't trust this; however, it may be okay if you don't eat out too often.

The next would be to find similar options in other restaurants.  I use this method quite often. Say I have spaghetti at a local Italian restaurant; I'll use Olive Garden's point values for their spaghetti.

Another good option (especially if you can't find something similar) is to break down the meal by ingredients.  I often get a certain burrito at a local Mexican restaurant, but it's name does not show up in the database.  So I start putting it in ingredient by ingredient.

None of these are perfect, but it isn't necessary for it to be perfect - just honest.  Remember, restaurants are not using fat free or reduced fat items nor sugar free items.  So you have to take those points!

A Reflexation

Still no calories on my WW app.

Shapa scale had me in light gray this morning.  That means I'm doing bad.  And, quite frankly, I am.  Ever since my birthday, I've been off track,

Time to get back on track.  And I really mean that I need too!

Friday, February 7, 2025

Weight Watchers is Getting....Wait, What?

 If you haven't been online in a WW group lately....

Calories are coming to WW! Yes, you read that right! A select group already has them and they'll be    s l o w l y   rolling this out.  So don't expect it immediately; just like the macros, you'll need to wait your turn.

If you attend in person (or virtual meetings) don't be surprised if a leader says this isn't true...because it is.  Remember, sometimes the leaders don't get the information right away.

I don't have it yet, those that do, have posted photos in groups (they weren't aware until they happened to see it there).

Monday, February 3, 2025

As Expected....

 As expected, I did have a slight gain this morning.   .8 (point 8)   Which considering birthday donuts, birthday ice cream cake, birthday Mexican dinner, birthday movie popcorn....I must say that isn't too bad.

Time to get back on the water intake and daily walk.  I really think those two things are what is helping the most.

Sunday, February 2, 2025

Continuing On.....

 I'm sure I'll have a weight gain when I get on the scale in the morning; my birthday threw me off course; but I'm ready to get back on track.

I'll start tracking with the WW app tomorrow rather than the Healthi app; it's the only change that I'm making to my commitments.  Not a big one but one none-the-less.  It's too hard to try to track on both apps.

I'm trying to come up with some dinner ideas other than the regular ones.  I'm thinking eggs or cereal for breakfast this week; sandwiches for lunch. Dinner is where I'm having issues.  I do like to have leftovers for lunch though.

Saturday, February 1, 2025

Back To Weight Watchers

 So I rejoined Weight Watchers this morning.  My meeting membership expired last month and WW kept offering me the "special" of $12/month (no meetings).  Which was rather odd since they were offering $11/month (no meetings) online.  Today, online, they have $10/month (no meetings) for 10 months plus a code to get the first month free - so I signed up on that one.

I have no issues with Healthi at all.  I just really wish they'd update to the newer plans; even though I realize they can't.  It's just a me do you!

I will be continuing with Kickstart though.  I like Kickstart and it's been helpful keeping me alert on my commitments.  With Kickstart you may choose any weight loss plan you want.

Friday, January 31, 2025

Just Stopping In

Things are still moving along.  My birthday was yesterday which meant not totally in control and rather followed through today; but I'm not giving up!  Have the weekend to recover.

I didn't get many of my commitments in today that I normally do...oh I've still got time to do it but I just feel like it's a bad day.  I have discovered one thing though - I don't really need the workbook.  I'm tracking on Healthi (though I am considering paying for the WW app again, just app though-no  meetings); so I have no need to rewrite my meals and walks down.  I have a list of my commitments; so I have no need to rewrite them over each week and check off.  I can easily look at my list and then go to the Kickstart Dashboard and check off the ones I did. Don't get me wrong - the workbook is a nice tool to have; I just don't feel like I really need it.

Anyway, just wanted to stop in and give an update!