Saturday, March 1, 2025

Where Are Those Calories!!!

I still don't have the calorie option on my WW app.  I've gotten several updates and none have brought me the only update I want!

It infuriates me!  I have never understood why, if I'm part of the beta group, I don't ever get any of the "new" things to test before everyone else?!  What's the point of beta? And, before you ask, yes I have left beta and downloaded the regular app only to still be met with no calorie option.

I do not understand how the app store can provide the update to some members and not others.  I don't understand! Now it seems that the update may not be out to all until mid-March.  Yes, I know, that's only another week or two.

I only rejoined WW because of this update.  When I used Healthi, that information was available, and it made a big difference in my weight journey.

A few posts back my Shapa scale had me in dark gray - the worst place to be.  Over the last week or so; it got me to light gray, green, teal and blue.  Today I'm in green, which is basically maintaining.  I can live with that!

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