Sunday, August 18, 2024

My Commitments

 I should have 9 commitments by the start date.  So far I've thought of these:

1.    Drink at least six 8 oz servings of water.

2.    Stick to one WW program; don't switch around.

3.    Take a walk each day.

4.    Read one chapter of a book each day.

5.    Eat breakfast every day.

6.    Pack lunch at least 4 days each week.

That's what I have so far.  Most are weight related, but the book one is more for a healthy mind.  The commitments do not need to be weight related.

I'm working on the other 3.

Number 2 is a big one.  Everytime I try to go back to the plans that did work for me; I hate that things like eggs/chicken have points!  Weird, I  know.  It's all those plans in my head.  Anyway, I've chosen to use the Carb Conscious Plan on the Healthi app; that's the same as the Points Plus Weight Watcher plan.

Even though the Kickstart hasn't started; I thought I'd try a few days "on plan".  When I started Points Plus the lowest the points went were 29; they would change that a year later to 26.  My points always started at the lowest, so I'm going to start with the 29.  29 points a day/49 weekly points.

Below is my plan for tomorrow:

What I'd like you to notice, is that I still have 2 points left AND I've only used 1224 calories.  Not too bad....and all the food is normal.  Running all this through the WW app?  I ended up 7 points over for the day and I wouldn't even know what my calories were unless I added everything up.

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