Thursday, August 15, 2024

I've Been In The Land Of The Missing

Yes, I've been in hiding....

Yes, I am totally off plan....

Yes, Yes, Yes - I'M FAILING

.....but I haven't given up.

Vacation threw me off course and it's not that I'm having a hard time getting back on... it's just that I don't want to.

That's right - I don't want to do whatever it is I've been doing.  It just doesn't work for me.

I was very excited to get my 5 lb charm at my Weight Watchers meeting; I really wanted to work towards the next one; but, I'm sorry to say I just don't like the Weight Watchers plan.  I do not like having a zero point list of items that make no sense what-so-ever.  Vegetable and fruits?  Yes, I understand that; the rest of it? No sorry, I'm an overeater and I can overeat those things.

So I'm backing up and regrouping.

The above is something that really hits home to me and now makes me realize that I am choosing Weight Watchers and maybe it is just not the correct choice for me at this point.  Maybe, just maybe I need something new to jumpstart me - and I'm not speaking of a new "diet" plan to get me there.

Stay tuned......

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