Wednesday, April 17, 2024

I'm Back....kind of....sort of

 I'm slowly getting back into routine....

Our Easter didn't go well.  I was due at my sister's house for the holiday.  As hubby is taking the ham out of the oven (we always provide the ham); my sister calls and says they just called an ambulance for my Dad.  Long story short...I still went to her house because other family was coming...she missed Easter; hospital kept Dad overnight but sent him home the next day and we have no idea what was wrong with him.  This is just  how our year has been going.

I've started using the Healthi app this week and have been tracking...I haven't stayed within my points, but I still have weeklies which is a plus, lol!!  The weather earlier in the week was I've got some steps in on walks.  I'm not really following a program but just being more aware of what I'm eating, how much I'm eating and making better choices.

I started following a young lady on FaceBook, Abby Loses 144, and I really enjoy her.  Abby isn't an influencer that has already lost all her weight and looking to hand out advice.  She's losing right along with everyone and having all the same ups and downs that we do!!  It's a refreshing change!  She just got her own Deer Run Walking Pad so we're all working on those steps or any activity you want.

I use to follow 2 gentleman from Canada that were known as the WW Gays.  They lost a lot of weight on Weight Watchers, were in WW commercials and would visit WW meetings.  They were WW celebrities until WW asked them not to visits meetings anymore.  It was kind of a downer.  Anyhow, they eventually moved on from WW and started their own program.  I signed up for it; but it just didn't suit me so I didn't continue with it.  Now they've closed up shop and are starting a new adventure which they offer for free!!  You read that right!  They don't care which plan you're following, everyone is welcome!  So go visit Jean-Luc & Nick and also visit at their FB page Jean-Luc & Nick on FB.  From their website you'll find their other social media.  The guys offer virtual step classes (no step needed if you don't have one), recipes and advice.  They are a lot of fun!

I was reading through a FB group (or it may have been Reddit) and someone was asking for people to follow on Instagram for weight loss.  A person was mentioned and immediately, someone was saying how not to follow that person because she's constantly starting and restarting and can't accept that maybe WW isn't for her.  I went to this instagram and what I saw was a person who obviously has lost weight on WW but has hit some bumps in the road, ventured out and returned to what worked.  Haven't we all done that? Haven't I done that?  Just read through this blog and you see me starting over all the time.  I can tell you one thing....when I put my mind to it - the program does work for me!  Let's encourage each other rather than bad mouth please.

In case you are wondering, I am following Better Balance (Freestyle/Blue) on the Healthi app; but again my main focus is more on the what and how much I'm eating and getting activity in.  I weigh myself each morning and see the scale moving in the right direction but until I have at least 10 lbs off, I won't be happy.

Oh, I've also started the Atomic Habits again.  Hopefully this time, I'll finish it!  I also started I Deserve A Donut, which isn't very big and a much easier read - it's Christian based.

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