Sunday, December 31, 2023

Before the Start of a New Year

Because we're on the last day of the year and a lot of us, myself included, will be starting on a weight loss journey; I felt I needed to do a post.

To start always remember:  

Diet:  the kinds of food that a person, animal or community habitually eats

Willpower: the ability to control ones actions, emotions or urges

Regardless which you've chosen to follow (Weight Watchers, Healthi, Noom, Nutrisystem, Atkins, Keto, etc..) remember it's a program and the food you eat on the program is a diet.  So don't listen to those who constantly yell "it's a lifestyle change not a diet" because it is in fact a diet...what you are eating is a diet.

You do need willpower for your program.  You need willpower to overcome your bad habits; once you can do it, they will become good habits.  Follow your program, use your willpower and the good habits will come.

As I've mentioned before, I don't do resolutions or goals.  I feel they are either pass or fail.  I do tries.  I just try to do better than I've done before.  I'm always a work in progress.  My tries for the year are: tracking, staying on program, walking, water and just using all that for better habits.  I'll achieve some of these daily, some not....but I'm trying and that's what matters.

We will work this together, a day at a time.

Happy New Year!

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