Saturday, May 25, 2024

Welcome Back!

I have a long history with Weight Watchers.  It started in September 2010 when CC and I walked into a meeting.  At that particular time, WW had the original point program.

My mindset was in the game and in the first 12 weeks I had lost 20 lbs!!  Then they switched on me and presented Points Plus.  I liked Points Plus though and by August 2011, I was down 40 lbs and a Lifetime member.

Once lifetime always lifetime....well sort of.  You'll always be considered a Lifetime member but you're membership will only be free if you stay within 2 lbs of your goal weight.  Yeah, I didn't last at goal for long but I did stay within 6 lbs of it for a while (but 6 lbs means I had to pay).

Since that time I've never been back at my goal weight, ever.  But I have been back to WW many many times.

The last rejoin was when they introduced Smart Points (the first one).....all I seemed to do on this one was maintain.  Where was the loss I had experienced with the prior 2 programs?  Then it became Freestyle, then it's 3 colors.  I'm not losing but I continued to pay WW that monthly fee.  I knew WW inside and out - I could help all the other members with their weight woes.  I assisted the leader with things she didn't even understand.  I'm all knowledgeable WW....but I was no longer WW successful.

Personal points didn't work and the current didn't either.

I'll admit, my head wasn't in the game as it was when I originally joined and no one could tell me how to get it back there.

And for the record....I do believe that WW is a good program.  I learned a lot through WW, so if you're thinking of joining, by all means do so!  As a WW you'll fall into one of these categories:

 1 - the person who loses on WW and keeps it off and continues to do WW for life.  (this is a very small percentage as most don't want to count points forever)

2 - the person who loses on WW and keeps it off but weans themselves from WW and just continues the healthy lifestyle.  (another very small percentage but this should be the one you aim for)

3 - the person who gets to goal, regains and keeps going back looking for the result you had that one time.  And you'll do this one OVER AND OVER, AGAIN AND AGAIN. (this is the most popular category)

I'm in the number 3 category.

Before I go further, I want you to know that there are a lot of successful Weight Watchers out there.  If any happen to come across this post, you'll see comments similar to this:

If you do the program like you should, it will work.

I've lost (insert number here) lbs on WW; it's the best program ever.  You must be doing something wrong.

You just want to eat unhealthy.

You've got to be willing to make the lifestyle change.

You can't expect to eat junk food and lose weight.

You need to learn to weigh and measure and get portions under control.

How do I know this?  Because when I was WW successful, I was one of these people!!  Yes, when you're successful - you want to tell everyone; you don't understand why if it is working for you, it isn't working for everyone!!  You're all knowing, all critical...and often giving unwanted advice.

I've left, determined to never go back; but always ended up back.  Why?  It was what was successful for me one time.  

A couple of weeks ago, I went back to WW in-person meetings.  I needed that support.  I was unhappy with my weigh in weight; but in the two weeks since I've brought my weight down a little and I've been happy with that.

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